Marketing and Strategy Department

The Marketing and Strategy Department offers outstanding educational opportunities in marketing, strategy, leadership, and entrepreneurship. In each of our majors, students have the opportunity to learn a healthy mix of theory and practice from dedicated faculty members. In addition, students have opportunities to meet and interact with alumni and other professionals who have been extremely successful in their fields.

Utah Women & Leadership Project


The mission of the Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) is to strengthen the impact of Utah girls and women. We serve Utah and its residents by producing relevant, trustworthy, and applicable research, creating and gathering valuable resources, and convening trainings and events that inform, inspire, and ignite growth and change for all Utahns.

Learn More About the UWLP

Academic Programs


2023-2024 Student and Employee Awards

Each year, the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business recognizes top-performing students, staff, and faculty for their academic and professional accomplishments. For the 2023-2024 academic year, we would like to acknowledge and commend the following individua...

DECA Nationals

The Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University showcased its competitive prowess at the prestigious national DECA competition held in Austin, Texas.

AI and the Great Chessboard of Humanity

When IBM’s Deep Blue supercomputer defeated reigning world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997, some said it was the beginning of a long-predicted takeover of the human world by Artificial Intelligence. Similar concerns were expressed when the internet...

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