
The MAcc degree requires the completion of 30 graduate credits in addition to the prerequisite courses requirements. A minimum of 21 credit hours must be completed in ACCT-designated classes. The 30 graduate hours include:

MAcc Core Requirements (15 credits)
Specialization Requirements (9 credits) Choose one of three available specializations (see below):

  • Professional Accountancy
  • Taxation
  • FinTech/Data Analytics (in person only)
  • Personal Financial Planning (in person only)

Elective Requirements (6 credits)

For MAcc Program Course Descriptions, see the USU General Catalog
On the tables below v means a virtual delivery option 

MAcc Core Requirements

Course Number Course Name Credits Semester(s) Taught Prerequisite(s)
ACCT 6104 Accounting Analytics 3 Fv, Sp ACCT 3310
ACCT 6105 Taxes and Business Strategy 3 F, Spv ACCT 3510, 3520
ACCT 6200 Advanced Financial Accounting 3 Fv, June ACCT 3120
ACCT 6510 Advanced Auditing 3 Fv, Sp ACCT 3400
ACCT 6620 Financial Statement Analysis 3 Fv, May ACCT 3120

Specialization Requirements (Select 1)

Select 1 of the three available specialization options: Professional Accountancy, Taxation, or Personal Financial Planning (not available for the virtual delivery option).

Professional Accountancy - MAcc Specialization 

Course Number Course Name Credits Semester(s) Taught Prerequisite(s)
ACCT 6250 Accounting Research 3 Sp, Mayv ACCT 3120
ACCT 6310 Strategic Profit Management 3 F, Spv ACCT 3310
ACCT 6540 Fraud Examination and Forensic Accounting 3 F, Sp v  

Taxation - MAcc Specialization

Course Number Course Name Credits Semester(s) Taught Prerequisite(s)
ACCT 6420 Corporate Taxation 3 F, Spv ACCT 3510, 3520
ACCT 6440 Partnership Taxation 3 F, Spv ACCT 3510, 3520
ACCT 6460 Advanced Tax Topics 3 F, Junev ACCT 3510, 3520

FinTech / Data Analytics Specialization

Required courses for this specialization are: 

  • Complete 9 credit hours of Data-designated classes at the 5000 or 6000 level
    • Recommended classes TBA
  • Two additional approved elective courses (6 credits)

Personal Financial Planning - MAcc Specialization

Course Number Course Name Credits Semester(s) Taught Prerequisite(s)
FIN 6060 Personal Financial Planning 3 F  N/A
FIN 6070 Retirement Planning 3 Sp  N/A
FIN 6080 Estate Planning 3 Sp  N/A

v virtual delivery option

Elective Requirements

Elective course options include internships, ACCT courses offered in other specializations, and approved graduate-level courses from within the Huntsman School of Business, or even across campus based on student experience, interests, and career path choices.