START Desk Resources

The START Desk is exactly that – a place to start! Got a quick question about classes, clubs, extracurriculars, advising appointments, or pretty much anything happening at the Huntsman School? Drop by the START Desk on the ground floor between the Eccles Building and Huntsman Hall, or check out the online resources here.

Drop-in Career & Advising Assistance

We know appointments fill up quickly with your advisor and career coach. For quick answers on career development, academic advising, or general information, stop by our START Desk on the 2nd floor between Huntsman Hall and Eccles Business Building. It's open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. during fall and spring semesters.

Resource Options

Explore careers, prepare professional documents, and become career-ready by gaining the skills employers want.

No matter what you want to study, we have what you need to succeed in an ever-changing business environment.

General information and answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business.