Mountain West Economic History Conference Schedule

2024 Schedule (February 23-24)

Friday– Feb. 23

2:15-2:30pm Introduction and Welcome
2:30-3:15pm Steven Smith (Colorado School of Mines), Eric Alston (University of Colorado, Boulder), Bryan Leonard (Arizona State University), Joseph Price (BYU) – "Did Improving the Lot Improve the Lots of People? Evaluating the Economic Mobility from the Homestead Act"
3:15-3:30pm Break
3:30-4:15pm Martin Rotemberg (New York University), Richard Hornbeck (University of Chicago), Shanon Hsuan-Ming Hsu (University of Chicago), Anders Humlum (University of Chicago) – “Technological Stickiness: Switching and Entry in the Long Transition from Water to Steam Power”
4:15-4:30pm Break
4:30-5:15pm Chase Ross (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve), Ahyan Panjwani (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve), Sharon Ross (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve) – “Leaving Money on the Table”
5:15-5:30pm Break
5:30-6:15pm Omer Ali (University of Pittsburgh) – “The Impact of Federal Housing Policies on Racial Inequality: the case of the Federal Housing Administration”
6:15pm Dinner

Saturday – Feb. 24

8:15-9:00am Breakfast
9:00-9:45am Matthew Jaremski (Utah State University), Gillian Brunet (Smith College), Eric Hilt (Wellesley College) – “‘Invest!’: Liberty Bonds and Stock Ownership over the Twentieth Century”
9:45-10:00am Break
10:00-10:15pm Elena Ojeda (University of California, Berkeley) – “Left Behind: The Bracero Program and Mexican Women”
10:15-10:30pm Henry Downes (Notre Dame University) – “Did Organized Labor Induce Labor? Unionization and the American Baby Boom”
10:30-10:45am Neil Duzett (Texas A&M University), Sandra Black (Columbia University), Adriana Lleras-Muney (University of California, Los Angeles), Nolan Pope (University of Maryland), Joseph Price (BYU) – “Longevity and its Transmission Across Generations in the US”
10:45am-11:00am Break
11:00-11:15am Shanon Hsuan-Ming Hsu (University of Chicago) – “Coercive Growth: Forced Resettlement, Agglomeration, and Economic Development in Malaysia”
11:15m-11:30am Dongkyu Yang (University of Colorado, Boulder) – “Time to Accumulate In the South”
11:30-11:45am Paige Montrose (University of Pittsburgh) – “Without Deliberate Speed: The Effects of Southern Out-Migration on School Desegregation”
11:45am-12:00pm Adrian Haws (Cornell University), Cache Ellsworth (University of Wisconsin- Madison), Ian Fillmore (Washington University in St. Louis), Joseph Price (BYU) – “The Long-Run Effects of Parental Wealth Shocks on Children”
12:00-1:45pm Lunch
1:45-2:30pm Ahmed Rahman (Lehigh University), Darrell J. Glaser (United States Naval Academy), Alexander McQuoid (United States Naval Academy) – “Vir Ingeniosus Vel Vir Bellicosus: A Century of Personnel Profiles from the United States Navy”
2:30-2:45pm Break
2:45-3:30pm Patrick Testa (Tulane University), Jhacova Williams (American University) – “Political Foundations of Racial Violence in the Post-Reconstruction South”
3:30-4:00pm Extended Break
4:00-4:45pm A.R. Shariq Mohammed (Northeastern University), Mindy Marks (Northeastern University) – “Persistence in Season of Birth: A New Measure of Black Intergenerational Mobility”
4:45-5:00pm Break
5:00-5:45pm Kris Mitchener (Santa Clara University), Jean Lacroix (Universite Paris-Saclay), Kim Oosterlinck (Université libre de Bruxelles) – “Domino Secessions: Evidence from the U.S.”
5:45pm Travel to Dinner
6:15pm Dinner