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Latex Workshop


Introduction to type-setting math using LaTeX and Overleaf - An essential skill for developing mathematicians.

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Applied Mathematics Seminar


Title: : Understanding and Predicting Organic Pollutant Fate in Aquaculture- Modified Ecosystems Using a Multimedia Chemical Fate Model

Speaker: Shan Niu, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, USU

Abstract: Marine aquaculture is a significant ecosystem modifying factor in coastal areas, with subsequent impacts on the health of humans. However, only limited information exists regarding organic contaminant transport and behavior in mariculture-modified ecosystems, and the contribution of organic contaminants from aquaculture to the marine ecosystem has not been quantified. We developed the Chemical Fate in Aquaculture-Modified Ecosystems (CFAME) model to understand the fate of a suite of organic contaminants, quantify the impact of aquaculture on the ecosystem, and predict the trends of organic contaminants under further scenarios.

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm |

Applied Mathematics Seminar


Title: Modeling Phenological Consequences of Warming Climate for a Southern Population of Mountain Pine Beetle
Speaker: Catherine Wangen
Abstract: The mountain pine beetle (MPB , Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins ) attacks living Pinus trees, and reproduces in the phloem. Adults must attack a host simultaneously to overwhelm host defenses and successfully colonize. Temperatures directly but non-linearly affect MPB progress through life stages and the phenology of adult emergence.

Title: Changes in Greenhouse Gas Emissions during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Speaker: Rachel Frantz
Abstract: Climate change is one of the most pressing problems of the 21st century. The COVID-19 pandemic caused an unprecedented and widespread reduction of activities that are often associated with greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon dioxide (CO2) shows positive correlation with global warming and is an important marker used in monitoring the climate crisis.

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Math/Statistics Seminar: "Who Wants to be a Math Teacher?"

Panel Discussion/Presentation

USU alumna Kaitlin Murphy, MS, a mathematics teacher at Utah's Green Canyon High School, presents "Who Wants to be a Math Teacher?" Murphy will discuss what to expect from USU's mathematics education program, how to prepare for a career in secondary education and what it's like to be a secondary mathematics teacher. Join the presentation via Zoom at https://usu-edu.zoom.us/j/95752208475?pwd=bzBnUStGTTNCbjFlek83QmNPM212UT09 , Meeting ID: 957 5220 8475, Passcode: Math-Ed

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm |




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