Alumni and Friends Directory

Tyler Orr

Tyler Orr

Title: Supply Chain Management Career Coordinator

Company: University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Location: Knoxville, TN

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Tyler is a Cache Valley native who went to BYU for his undergraduate studies in psychology, leading him to discover an interest in business and HR. He completed the dual MHR/MBA program at Utah State University and interned with USAA in San Antonio, TX before starting full-time with them in a rotational development program after graduation. He gained great experience in project management, workforce planning, people analytics, and generalist work over the course of 2 years with USAA, and then decided to make a transition into higher education and career services. He now works at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville supporting supply chain management students in their career development. He loves and is fulfilled daily by his work with students and job seekers, and he is grateful that his experience in the corporate world allows him to provide insight he would not have had otherwise. He is married and has three crazy little boys.

Q: Why did you choose the Huntsman School Master of Human Resources Program?
R: At the time that I chose the program, I appreciated that it would allow me to start on my graduate education earlier than I had originally expected, but still get me some equally great professional opportunities in comparison to other options I might have pursued. I also loved the dual degree option, particularly since I did not have an undergraduate degree in business. It also helped that it would allow my family and I to be close to both of our extended families in Cache Valley.

Q: What was your favorite part of the Huntsman School MHR Program?
R: While no program is perfect, I absolutely loved that while there definitely was a measure of competitiveness between members of our cohort for jobs with companies that recruited on campus, I always felt that there was a greater emphasis on supporting one another than competing. Outside of one or two times when an individual made an egregious misstep in the way they managed their pursuit of good opportunities, we all supported and helped each other and celebrated each other's wins in recruiting season. I felt that the program worked hard to help us build that culture of collaboration over competition internally rather than encouraging cutthroat behaviors, and that was a great cultural fit for me.

Q: What advice would you give current MHR students or recent graduates interested in pursuing a career in HR?
R: There are so many different areas of HR to consider pursuing! Rotational programs are a great way to experience multiple functions and figure out what pathways are best for different people, so I definitely support the MHR program's emphasis on those opportunities. I would also strongly recommend that they put a major emphasis on networking - build great relationships with people across the country, both within your company and at other organizations, and intentionally maintain those relationships over time by supporting and helping others, and you will set yourself up well for an amazing and fulfilling career. Ultimately, doing great work and building great relationships is what I'd say is the recipe for success.

Q: What are your 2-3 main job duties?
R: Provide one-on-one career coaching and services for graduate and undergraduate students in supply chain management. Manage the back-end processes for an internship requirement for supply chain undergrad students. Create and manage career-related programming and resources for students, such as asynchronous content, career workshops, and career fairs and other employer events.